定于4月28日(明天)上午举办关于腔垂测及低电平控制的讲座,主讲人Tom Power,讲座将包含两部分,预计用时2小时左右。如果大家的笔记本上装有Labview2013或之后版本,可以在讲座时带过来,Tom会把他的程序拷给大家并现场指导如何使用。欢迎大家参加、提问及讨论,也欢迎将通知转发给可能感兴趣的人。
报告题目:Low Level RF Systems for SRF Cavity testing and operation
报 告 人:Thomas J. POWERS(JLab)
时 间:4月28日(周二)上午9点
地 点:五号厅二层会议室
These talks were presented at the United States Particle Accelerator School class entitled "SRF Technology: Practices and Hands-On Measurements" which was taught at Jefferson Lab in January 2015. The first talk will provide a description of the the analog VCO based and digital based low level RF systems used for testing and operating SRF cavities. It will also describe a number of the operational modes and techniques used when operating SRF cavities. The second will provide an overview of cavity microphonics as well as the techniques used to measure them using a frequency tracking RF system as well as when operating the cavities in a fixed frequency mode.
Tom got his BS degree in electrical engineering in 1980 and his master's degree in 1987. He has been at Jefferson Lab since then where he was one of the orginial members of the superconducting radio requency division that developed and built the cryomodules used in the original 4 GeV CEBAF, SNS, and the CEBAF 12 GeV upgrade. In addition to working on SRF systems, he has also worked in the beam iagnostics, low level RF, and the free electron laser groups. He is currently a senior staff SRF linac systems engineer with responsibilities in new accelerator designs and SRF cavity test systems and perations.