讲座题目:SuperKEKB IR and MDI design
主讲人:Yoshihiro funakoshi 研究员
主持人:周为仁 研究员
时 间:11月23日(周三)下午2:00
地 点:主楼C305
Abstract: The construction of SuperKEKB and Phase I commissioning is completed. This talk will give an overview of the interaction region (IR) and machine-detector-interface (MDI) design.
Professor Funakosi was responsible for the beam operation of KEKB. At KEKB, He worked for an orbit feedback system for maintaining the beam collision and experimental studies on the beam-beam effects including the effectiveness of the crab cavities. He was responsible for IR design of SuperKEKB high current option before adopting “nano-beam” option. He continue to be in charge of beam commissioning of SuperKEKB rings.