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第114讲:Accelerator physics challenges for SuperKEKB commissioning
2023-09-21 | 【

报告人:周德民 副教授(KEK)

报告题目:Accelerator physics challenges for SuperKEKB commissioning

报告摘要:SuperKEKB is a second-generation B-factory upgraded from KEKB. It collides 7-GeV electrons with 4-GeV positrons using a “nano-beam” scheme for the Belle II experiment. Since the first collisions in April 2018, the peak luminosity of SuperKEKB has gradually increased to 4.71x1034cm-2s-1in June 2022. During the commissioning from Phase 1 to Phase 3, many challenges have been identified to achieve the design luminosity of 6x1035cm-2s-1. This talk will discuss some of these challenges.


Demin Zhou began his career as a research assistant in accelerator science at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in 2000. His research interests include theories, simulations, and experiments on various beam phenomena, with a particular focus on the electromagnetic radiation, beam-induced wake fields, collective effects, nonlinear single-particle dynamics, and the interplay of multiple beam dynamics. Currently, he is responsible for the beam dynamics research at SuperKEKB. Since 2021, he has served as the coordinator of beam-beam and IR-upgrade subgroups of the SuperKEKB international task force (ITF).


周德民 副教授(KEK) 报告

中国科学院高能物理研究所    备案序号:京ICP备05002790号
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