报告人:Prof. Mauro Migliorati(University of Rome “La Sapienza” and INFN – Roma1)
主持人:张源 研究员
线上参会方式:腾讯会议号:115 432 061会议密码:240424
Impedance-induced instabilities and possible mitigations: application to FCC-ee
The high beam intensities in current and future particle accelerators, interacting with the vacuum chamber environment and different machine devices, produce strong self-induced electromagnetic fields that perturb the beam dynamics and can excite beam instabilities. In this talk, a review of some important impedance-induced instabilities in circular machines is briefly described for both the longitudinal and transverse planes. The main tools used nowadays to predict these instabilities, both analytical and numerical, and some considerations about possible mitigation techniques are also presented. Finally, some applications to the FCC-ee case are discussed.
Mauro Migliorati,he worked at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (INFN - LNF), Italy, in the design of DAFNE from 1992 to 1997, after which he became Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of “La Sapienza” in Experimental Physics. He is currently a Full Professor in Applied Physics.
His research activity regards accelerator physics, particularly the beam dynamics and the collective effects generated by electromagnetic fields in linear and circular accelerators.
He has contributed to the TDR of the SPARC photo-injector at LNF and has participated in the SPARC commissioning.
He also collaborates with the Accelerator Beam Physics group of CERN on beam instabilities. He is currently the supervisor of 5 PhD students at CERN. He is responsible for the impedance budget and collective effects of the Future Circular Collider project - FCC-ee.
In 2022 he was the contact person of the Transverse Mode Coupling Instability subgroup of the International Task Force created to deal with some instability issues of SuperKEKB.
He is a member of the board of the Joint University Accelerator School (JUAS), an international graduate school supported by 14 European Universities and by CERN, where he also teaches a course on “Space Charge and Instabilities” since 2010.
He is a co-author of more than 250 papers in the field of particle accelerators (font: SCOPUS, 04-2024).