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第124讲:Methods and instruments for beam property diagnostics and optimisation at ATF2 and SuperKEKB
2024-09-09 | 【



  报告人:Prof. Philip Bambade(IJCLab)


  报告题目:Methods and instruments for beam property diagnostics and optimisation at ATF2 and SuperKEKB


  The ATF2 and SuperKEKB accelerator projects, although pursuing different objectives and based on different concepts, have in common the challenge of achieving and maintaining very strongly focused beams, with vertical dimensions at the interaction point of a few tens of nanometers. The speaker will review some of the instrumentation and methods developed for these projects, along with resulting experience using them for beam diagnostics and optimisation.


  Philip Bambade is a senior experimental high-energy physicist at the CNRS, in France. During his career he has had the opportunity to pursue research in both accelerator and particle physics, first at the LEP and SLC colliders in the 80's and 90's, then in the context of the TESLA and ILC projects, including at the ATF2 final focus test facility, and lately at the interface of the SuperKEKB collider and Belle II experiment at KEK. In recent years, he has worked on instrumentation techniques based on sCVD diamond sensors for beam diagnostic and performance optimisation, e.g. for fast luminosity monitoring at the SuperKEKB collider. He has supervised more than 10 PhD theses and numerous master students.

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