Karl Ziemelis专家点评

       Karl Ziemelis


    [video:Karl Ziemelis专家点评]

     Hello, my name is Karl Ziemelis, and I am the Chief Physical Sciences Editor for Nature.

      大家好,我是Karl Ziemelis(卡尔 泽梅里斯),《自然》物理科学的总编。 

      It is my pleasure today to introduce a new paper that we are publishing in Nature: the title is “Ultrahigh-energy photons up to 1.4 petaelectronvolts from 12 γ-ray Galactic sources”.  

      非常荣幸今天来为大家介绍即将发表在《自然》上的这篇论文:Ultrahigh-energy photons up to 1.4 petaelectronvolts from 12 γ-ray Galactic sources 

      But first, let me give you a bit of background. 


      Cosmic rays are what we call the charged particles flying around the Universe at velocities approaching the speed of light. This is so fast that, for some of them, their energies can reach colossal values - more than 100 times greater than can be achieved for particles accelerated by researchers here on Earth – at the Large Hadron Collider, for example.  


      We have a name for the powerful cosmic accelerators responsible for these extremely energetic cosmic rays – we call them PeVatrons. Where and what they are remains an open question, but this new paper provides some important clues. 


      Tracing the origin of these high-energy cosmic rays is not a straightforward task, as magnetic fields in space can cause their paths to twist and bend when they travel: so when we detect such a cosmic ray arriving at the earth, we may be able to determine the direction it arrived from, but this is not necessarily the same direction it started from. 


      But we do know that cosmic rays should produce γ-rays close to their accelerators, so maybe in searching instead for the sources of high-energy γ-rays could pinpoint the locations of these mysterious PeVatrons 


      This is what Zhen Cao and colleagues have done in the new paper. They report the detection of 12 sources of ultrahigh-energy γ-ray photons, each of which represents a potential PeVatron in the Milky Way galaxy. Although the precise location of most of these sources remains unclear, the authors do firmly identify one candidate in the well-known supernova remnant known as the Crab Nebula. 


      These exciting findings, while still preliminary, were made possible by observations from one of the arrays of the partially completed Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory in China. Many more of these sources are expected to be found once this instrument is complete.  


      But what we can say for sure is that PeVatrons do exist in the Milky Way, and these findings bring us closer to understanding the origins of extremely high energy cosmic rays.  


      Thank you 

