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Pierre Radvanyi唁电

Dear Sijin,

  I wish to express to you all my sympathy following the death of your mother.

  Your mother, Professor He Zehui, was a very bright scientist. She performed important research in Germany, including her study of elastic positron-electron scattering with a cloud chamber in W. Bothe's laboratory in Heidelberg. She then joined the Institut du Radium in Paris under the direction of Irène Joliot-Curie (1946). In Paris, she married your father Qian Sanqiang and discovered with him and two young French scientists, R. Chastel and L. Vigneron, in the laboratory of Frédéric Joliot-Curie, the fission of uranium in three and also four fragments (1947). In 1948 they went back to China and became very active in the development of nuclear physics in your country. She shared the life of your father in the recent history of China.

  With my warm regards,


 Pierre Radvanyi


(Pierre Radvanyi教授,其导师约里奥-居里夫妇也是钱三强的导师,何泽慧在1948年回国前曾和他共事过一段时期。Radvanyi教授后来曾长期担任法国Saturn国家核物理实验室主任,撰写过居里一家、特别是约里奥-居里夫妇的传记。)

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