学术报告:Searching Dark Matter. Part I: relic density and DM indirect detection
报告人:蔡岳霖 Yue-Lin Sming Tsai
报告摘要:In this talk, I will review the current dark matter (DM) relic density and indirect detection search based on my previous work. It is usual the case that the relic density constraint dominated the shape of confidence region of DM model parameter space. However, such constraints still allow the large annihilation cross sections at the present universe. Therefore, DM indirect detection becomes important. I will review the status of DM gamma-ray searches in the Fermi LAT, DM positron and antiproton searches in AMS02, and IceCube DM neutrinosearches. Finally, I will also show the power of future telescope on HERD telescope.
蔡岳霖 Yue-Lin Sming Tsai,出生于台湾,台湾交通大学物理研究所硕士班(太阳微中子振荡)毕业,后赴意大利SISSA和英国Sheffield读博士,最终以超对称暗物质拿到学位。博士毕业后,分别在波兰核子中心和日本东京大学IPMU做博士后,专长为暗物质模型参数空间扫描以及重建实验的likelihood方法。