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【01.25】Seminar:Macroscopic States as Dark Matter Candidates
文章来源:  2024-01-25
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报告题目Macroscopic States as Dark Matter Candidates

报  告 卢思达  博士(香港科技大学)

主  持 人周顺  研究员  (中国科学院高能物理研究所)


ZOOM97006889205  /   123456



Despite that weakly interacting massive particles are still very well-motivated dark matter candidates, the null-results of direct detection experiments are hints and encouragements that we may need to think of other dark matter paradigms. In this talk, I will discuss the possibility that dark matter consists completely or partially of macroscopic states. It turns out that macroscopic dark matter candidates can arise in many different theories, either fermionic or bosonic. They can be produced in the early universe through a cosmic phase transition, and later evolution may change their masses, sizes and abundance. Given that macroscopic dark matters occupy a very different parameter space from that of particle dark matters, they are in general indifferent to direct detection. While on the other hand, this also enables these large objects to provide unique and interesting signatures for phenomenological studies.


Sida Lu is currently a postdoc at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He got his PhD at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2019. After that, he became a postdoc at Tel Aviv University until 2022 before moving to Hong Kong. His recent researches focus on gravitational waves, axion-like particles, and also macroscopic dark matter model building and phenomenology.


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