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简 介
研究领域及主要成果: 研究领域: 1. 中微子物理:主要是研究中微子振荡物理,特别是大气中微子 2. 暗物质物理:唯像研究暗物质模型、暗物质直接探测和暗物质间接探测 3. 核子衰变:研究江门中微子实验(JUNO)对于某些核子衰变道的探测能力 主要成果: (1)Exploring detection of nuclearites in a large liquid scintillator neutrino detector Wan-Lei Guo, Cheng-Jun Xia , Tao Lin, Zhi-Min Wang
Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.1, 015010. arXiv:1611.00166
(2) Detecting electron neutrinos from solar dark matter annihilation by JUNO Wan-Lei Guo, JCAP 1601 (2016) no.01, 039. arXiv:0511.04888
(3) The Real singlet scalar dark matter model. Wan-Lei Guo, Yue-Liang Wu, JHEP 1010:083, 2010. arXiv:1006.2518 [hep-ph]
(4) Enhancement of Dark Matter Annihilation via Breit-Wigner Resonance. Wan-Lei Guo, Yue-Liang Wu, Phys.Rev.D79:055012,2009. arXiv:0901.1450 [hep-ph]
(5) Neutrino Masses, Lepton Flavor Mixing and Leptogenesis in the Minimal Seesaw Model. Wan-lei Guo, Zhi-zhong Xing, Shun Zhou, Int.J.Mod.Phys.E16:1-50,2007. hep-ph/0612033
(6) Implications of the KamLAND measurement on the lepton flavor mixing matrix and the neutrino mass matrix. Wan-lei Guo, Zhi-zhong Xing, Phys.Rev.D67:053002,2003. hep-ph/0212142 |