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A Universal Strategy for Aptamer-Based Nanopore Sensing through Host-Guest Interactions inside -Hemolysin
A user-friendly nano-CT image alignment and 3D reconstruction platform based on LabVIEW
Accelerating structure design and fabrication for KIPT and PAL XFEL
Accumulation and transformation of nanomaterials in ecological model organisms investigated by using synchrotron radiation techniques
Accumulation, speciation and uptake pathway of ZnO nanoparticles in maize
Acquired Superoxide-Scavenging Ability of Ceria Nanoparticles
Actinide (An = Th-Pu) dimetallocenes: promising candidates for metal-metal multiple bonds
Activated-carbon-supported K-Co-Mo catalysts for synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas
Adsorption behavior of actinides and some typical fission products by silica/polymer-based isoHex-BTP adsorbent from nitric acid solution
Adsorption of Cu(II) on humic acids derived from different organic materials
Adsorption of uranyl on hydroxylated alpha-SiO2(001): a first-principle study
Aggregation enhanced two-photon fluorescence of organic nanoparticles
Aging of LAB-based liquid scintillator in stainless steel containers
Alignment of ADS beta cryostat with wire position monitor
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