- 【12.18】高能所科技创新论坛(403)Neutrino Detection Beyond Transparency 2024-12-16
- 【12.18】高能所科技创新论坛(402)Neutrinos at CERN 2024-12-16
- 【12.11】高能理论论坛第88期--核物理中的有效场论 2024-12-09
- 【12.10】Seminar:Realising Dark Matter and PTA via Dark Branes 2024-12-09
- 【12.03】高能理论论坛第87期--High Energy Soft Scattering from Lattice QCD 2024-11-28
【11.29】高能理论论坛第86期--Progress and Challenges in Lattice Calculations of the Partonic Structure of Hadrons2024-11-28
- 【11.28】高能所科技创新论坛(401)Hopfield神经网络与直接解调方法 2024-11-26
- 【11.29】Seminar:狄拉克中微子质量及其跷跷板起源 2024-11-24
- 【11.25】高能理论论坛第85期--Analyzing gravitational wave effects in general modified gravity 2024-11-24
- 【11.25】高能所科技创新论坛(400)Instrumentation for advances in PET medical imaging 2024-11-18
- 【11.13】高能理论论坛第84期--Probing and Knocking with Muons for Dark Matter and others 2024-11-18
- 【11.07】高能所科技创新论坛(399)Quantum Black Holes and the Conundrum of Cosmic Causality 2024-11-04
- 【11.06】高能理论论坛第83期--An effective theory analysis of partonic dynamics in a medium 2024-11-04
- 【10.30】高能理论论坛第82期--Nucleon polarizabilities, nucleon-pion scattering and pion electroweak production from lattice QCD 2024-10-28
- 【10.29】Seminar:Indications for New Higgses at the LHC 2024-10-28
- 【10.29】高能理论论坛第81期--From WIMPs to FIMPs with low reheating temperatures 2024-10-22
- 【10.29】“青年科技工作者园地”举行第162次活动:CI/CD在先进光源软件开发中的应用实践及其未来计划、基于智能体技术的大装置AI-Ready数据供给研究、志愿计算的前世今生 2024-10-22
- 【10.23】高能论坛第12期:A Life in Physics 2024-10-22
- 【10.22】高能论坛第11期:The Rise of the Standard Theory 2024-10-22