Title: Performance of a full EM section of the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter: October 2019 results
Speaker: Prof.Stathes Paganis (National Taiwan University)
Time: 10:00, Wednesday 30th Oct 2019
Location: B326 Main Building
Indico: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/10782/
The CMS HGCAL EM calorimeter is a state-of-the-art 28-layer sampling calorimeter with Si sensors as the active material. IHEP is setting up a facility to build the heart of the calorimeter: the modules, an assembly of electronics, sensors and passive material. In 2018, a full section of this device with prototype electronics has been put in a CERN testbeam. The latest results are presented and compared to expectations with simulation. Our experience is relevant to the design choice for the EM calorimeter for CEPC, where the requirements are not identical to the LHC phase-II. Benefits to the community by building such a device in-house are also discussed.
About the Speaker:
Stathes Paganis is a Professor at National Taiwan University where he just setup from scratch a laboratory with robotic vision capabilities that has now become an operating CMS HGCAL Module Assembly Center (MAC), that is also the Center for a new international instrumentation Consortium in Taiwan.
He is a CMS HGCAL Deputy Institute Board Chair, and responsible for the Test Beam electron publication. He is currently leading the CMS VH H->gg search with the full dataset.
He is also leading efforts for a new table-top black-hole Hawking radiation simulator together with Pisin Chen and Gerard Mourou (2018 Nobel Prize).