报 告 人:李英英,副研究员,中国科学技术大学
主 持 人:张昊,副研究员,中科院高能所
报告地点: 图书馆楼319会议室
ZOOM: 445-645-7666 / 123456
High-energy physics is facing challenges, such as understanding the origin of observed baryon asymmetry and the nature of dark matter. Scenarios to address these challenges often involve dynamics that, at present, cannot be solved due to computational or theoretical limitations. An elegant solution exists in the form of real-time simulation with quantum computers, though hampered by limited quantum resources for the foreseeable future. In my talk, I will motivate the critical need for real-time simulation in high-energy physics, discuss existing challenges/theoretical developments involved when formulating quantum field theory on a quantum computer, and extracting physical quantities from it in the continuum limit.
李英英, 2019年于香港科技大学获得博士学位,之后赴费米实验室做博士后至2022年,并于2023年加入中国科学技术大学交叉中心和彭桓武中心任副研究员。研究领域是粒子物理理论与唯象学,方向主要为新物理的探索,包括利用对撞机等实验探索新物理,发展量子计算技术以改进相关理论的预测等。