- 【11.26】面向计算中心运维任务的异常检测 2019-11-25
- 【11.11】Positivity bounds in effective field theories 2019-11-08
- 【11.8】Asymptotic safety meets dark matter 2019-11-05
- 【11.8】Precision study on rare inclusive B decays 2019-11-01
- 【11.7】 Jet Tagging via Particle Clouds 2019-11-01
- 【10.30】Performance of a full EM section of the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter: October 2019 results 2019-10-15
- 【11.8】Charmonium production in LHCb 2019-10-11
- 【10.17】高能所科技创新论坛(313)Silicon Photomultiplier Technologies Developed at Fondazione Bruno Kessler 2019-10-11
- 【10.10】Dark matter direct detections and the neutrino floor 2019-09-30
- 【10.9】The electroweak effective field theory from on-shell amplitudes 2019-09-30
- 【9.27】高能所科技创新论坛(312)No Nus is Good Nus: Steps Towards the Ultimate Experiment to Search for Nothing 2019-09-24
- 【9.20】高能所科技创新论坛(311)CMS: status, results and perspectives 2019-09-19
- 【9.12】Electroweak Precision Measurements at Hadron Colliders 2019-09-09
- 【9.5】Black Hole Mimickers in Quadratic Gravity 2019-09-03
- 【8.9】 Triangle singularities in Λ (1405) and Σ* production in Λc→ π π π Σ decay 2019-08-06
- 【8.8】 A Proposal of Nonabelian Mirror Symmetry 2019-08-06
- 【7.18】Constraining CP-violated electric-gluonic operator(s) through EDM measurements 2019-07-12
- 【7.16】Sigma term physics 2019-07-15
- 【7.16】 Neutrino Models 2019-07-09