Title: The Age of Flavour
Speaker: Prof. Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford)
Chair: 王建春 研究员(高能所), 钱文斌 教授(国科大)
Time: 14:30pm, Tuesday 9th July, 2019
Location: A214 main building
The 21st century has been both an age of discovery, and an era of ever-increasing precision in quark-flavour physics. Focusing on charm and beauty, the speaker will trace the history of selected key topics, reviewing the enormous progress that has been made over this period and speculating on what the future may hold. He will argue that precise measurements of flavour observables may be our best hope for glimpsing the physics that lies beyond the Standard Model.
About the speaker:
Guy Wilkinson FRS is a professor of physics at the University of Oxford, UK. At CERN he has worked on both LEP and the LHC, performing measurements in the electroweak and flavour sectors. He was a founding member of the LHCb experiment, which he led as Spokesperson during 2014-17. He has also worked on the CLEO-c experiment in the USA and is a current member of the BESIII collaboration. In 2017 he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, largely in recognition for his studies in flavour.