【10.12】高能所科技创新论坛(325)暨高能论坛第1期 History and conserved quantities in classical general relativity (经典广义相对论的历史和守恒量)
报告题目:History and conserved quantities in classical general relativity (经典广义相对论的历史和守恒量)
报告人:丘成桐 教授(哈佛大学)
主持人:高 杰 研究员
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会议 ID:658 2481 0909
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报告人:丘成桐 教授(哈佛大学)
主持人:高 杰 研究员
1. Zoom Meeting:
会议 ID:658 2481 0909
2. 本次会议将由多家平台进行网络直播,直播信息逐步更新中,欢迎关注:
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How was the theory of general relativity developed?
Discussion about properties of classical conserved quantities in the theory of general relativity.
How was the theory of general relativity developed?
Discussion about properties of classical conserved quantities in the theory of general relativity.
丘成桐教授是著名美籍华裔数学家。现任哈佛大学数学系教授、物理系教授,清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心主任,北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院院长。1976年,丘成桐教授证明了卡拉比猜想(Calabi Conjecture)与爱因斯坦方程中的正质量猜想(Positive Mass Conjecture),并对微分几何和微分方程进行重要融合,影响重大。荣获数学界诺贝尔奖——菲尔兹奖 (Fields Medal)等诸多奖项。其后,继续在几何、拓扑学、物理学上做出许多成就。1982年,荣获国际数学界最高荣誉的菲尔兹奖 (Fields Medal),即相当于数学界的诺贝尔奖等诸多奖项。2018年,荣获马塞尔·格罗斯曼奖。丘成桐教授从 2011 年起,担任“清华学堂人才培养计划”数学班的首席教授,指导推进清华大学数学学科建设,培养和引进一批杰出数学人才和优秀青年教师,组织举办一系列高层次国际学术活动,进一步提升清华大学数学学科整体水平,增强了中国与国外著名数学家之间的交流、合作与学术研讨。
Prof. Shing-Tung Yau is a famous Chinese-American mathematician. He currently serves as a Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University and a Professor of Physics at Harvard University. He is also the director of Yau Mathematical Sciences Center of Tsinghua University and Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. In 1976, Prof. Yau proved the Calabi conjecture, gave solutions of multiple well-known open problems in algebraic geometry and also allowed physicists to show that string theory is a viable candidate for a unified theory of nature. He won Fields Medal in 1982 and other important honors. Calabi–Yau manifolds are among the ‘standard toolkit’ for string theorists today. Prof. Yau's work opened up new directions, set foundations and changed people's perspectives towards mathematics and their applications in physics and computer science. Prof. Yau has won Oswald Veblen Prize in 1981, Fields Medal in 1982, MacArthur Fellow in 1984, Crafoord Prize in 1994, United States National Medal of Science in 1997, China International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award in 2003, Wolf Prize in Mathematics and Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY) in 2010 and MG15 Award (The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Award) in 2018.
Professor Yau also spends an enormous amount of energy to train young mathematicians at every level. He has been directors of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Morningside Center of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center of Mathematical Sciences in Zhejiang University, and Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University (Renamed Yau Mathematical Sciences Center in 2015).
丘成桐教授是著名美籍华裔数学家。现任哈佛大学数学系教授、物理系教授,清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心主任,北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院院长。1976年,丘成桐教授证明了卡拉比猜想(Calabi Conjecture)与爱因斯坦方程中的正质量猜想(Positive Mass Conjecture),并对微分几何和微分方程进行重要融合,影响重大。荣获数学界诺贝尔奖——菲尔兹奖 (Fields Medal)等诸多奖项。其后,继续在几何、拓扑学、物理学上做出许多成就。1982年,荣获国际数学界最高荣誉的菲尔兹奖 (Fields Medal),即相当于数学界的诺贝尔奖等诸多奖项。2018年,荣获马塞尔·格罗斯曼奖。丘成桐教授从 2011 年起,担任“清华学堂人才培养计划”数学班的首席教授,指导推进清华大学数学学科建设,培养和引进一批杰出数学人才和优秀青年教师,组织举办一系列高层次国际学术活动,进一步提升清华大学数学学科整体水平,增强了中国与国外著名数学家之间的交流、合作与学术研讨。
Prof. Shing-Tung Yau is a famous Chinese-American mathematician. He currently serves as a Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University and a Professor of Physics at Harvard University. He is also the director of Yau Mathematical Sciences Center of Tsinghua University and Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. In 1976, Prof. Yau proved the Calabi conjecture, gave solutions of multiple well-known open problems in algebraic geometry and also allowed physicists to show that string theory is a viable candidate for a unified theory of nature. He won Fields Medal in 1982 and other important honors. Calabi–Yau manifolds are among the ‘standard toolkit’ for string theorists today. Prof. Yau's work opened up new directions, set foundations and changed people's perspectives towards mathematics and their applications in physics and computer science. Prof. Yau has won Oswald Veblen Prize in 1981, Fields Medal in 1982, MacArthur Fellow in 1984, Crafoord Prize in 1994, United States National Medal of Science in 1997, China International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award in 2003, Wolf Prize in Mathematics and Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY) in 2010 and MG15 Award (The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Award) in 2018.
Professor Yau also spends an enormous amount of energy to train young mathematicians at every level. He has been directors of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Morningside Center of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center of Mathematical Sciences in Zhejiang University, and Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University (Renamed Yau Mathematical Sciences Center in 2015).