【01.18】Probing the Zbb couplings at the LHC and future colliders
报告题目:Probing the Zbb couplings at the LHC and future colliders
报告人:岩 斌 博士(Los Alamos National Lab)
主持人:张 昊 副研究员(中科院高能所)
时间:2022年1月18日(周二) 上午10点
Zoom:4456457666 / 123456
报告摘要: To resolve the long-standing discrepancy between the precision measurement of bottom quark forward-backward asymmetry at LEP/SLC and the Standard Model prediction, we propose four different novel methods to probe the Zbb couplings by measuring gg-> Zh production, Z boson exclusive decay at the LHC and (average jet charge weighted) single-spin asymmetry at the HERA and EIC. We demonstrate that gg->Zh cross section, the branching ratio of Z->Upsilon(ns)+gamma, and jet charge weighted single-spin asymmetry are sensitive to the axial-vector component of the Zbb coupling, while the single-spin asymmetry is sensitive to the vector component. The apparent degeneracy of the Zbb couplings implied by the LEP precision electroweak measurements could be resolved by the current 13 TeV LHC Zh data. We also show the potential to verify or exclude the LEP data and resolve the AFB puzzle through those methods.
报告人简介:岩斌,2012年本科毕业于重庆大学,2017年在北京大学物理学院获得博士学位,之后前往密歇根州立大学担任博士后研究员。2019年加入洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,并且随后获得 Director's Postdoctoral Fellow。研究兴趣包括:标准模型有效场论、顶夸克、希格斯物理、对撞机物理唯象学以及 QCD 重求和计算等。