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【04.04】Seminar:High-quality axions in a class of chiral U(1) gauge theories
文章来源:  2023-03-30
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报告题目:High-quality axions in a class of chiral U(1) gauge theories


报  告 人王金伟,博士,李政道研究所

主  持 人周顺,研究员



ZOOM:  445-645-7666  /  123456






We show that there are many candidates for the quintessence and/or the QCD axions in a class of chiral U(1) gauge theories. Their qualities are high enough to serve as the dark energy and/or to solve the strong CP problem. Interestingly, the high quality of axion is guaranteed by the gauged U(1) and Z_2N symmetries and hence free from the non-perturbative quantum gravity corrections. Furthermore, our mechanism can be easily applied to the Fuzzy dark matter axion scenarios.




Jin-Wei Wang got his PhD from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020. As a visiting scholar, he worked in Pisa University from 2019 to 2020. After that, he conducted the first postdoctoral research at the SISSA (Schuola Internazionale Studi Superiori Avanzadi) in Italy from 2020 to 2022. He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) since 2022. His research interests focus on the new physics beyond the standard model, including dark matter phenomenology, electroweak vacuum stability, symmetry breaking and gauge field dynamics, etc. Recently, he has also worked on the construction of dark energy models.


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