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- 【04.27】高能理论论坛第26期-----Effective Pathway to New Physics 2022-04-25
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- 【04.13】高能理论论坛第25期-----Possible connections between neutrino and dark matter 2022-04-12
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- 【04.06】高能理论论坛第24期-----Higher form symmetries of QFT from string theory 2022-04-06
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- 【03.16】高能理论论坛第22期-----QCD factorization and the jet cross section at hadron colliders 2022-03-14
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- 【01.12】高能所科技创新论坛(347)Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS) 2022-01-11
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- 【11.03】高能理论论坛第17期——Recent progress in cosmological collider physics 2021-11-03