- 【10.15】Can the electron-neutrino mass be determined by electron capture? 2018-10-12
- 【10.9】科技创新论坛(293)A Historical Account of the First Electron-Positron Circular Collider – AdA 2018-09-27
- 【9.27】 Lorentz Invariance in Generic Curved Spacetimes and Quantum Gravity 2018-09-18
- 【9.21】Five structure of heavy pentaquark 2018-09-18
- 【9.25】Recent studies on Quantum Uncertainty Relation 2018-09-10
- 【9.6】Introduction to tensor networks and applications to quantum and classical models I-III 2018-08-31
- 【8.28】Inhomogeneous phases in QCD & Introduction to neutron star physics 2018-08-23
- 【8.28】A tale of charm and beauty: heavy quarks diffusion in high energy nuclear collisions 2018-08-23
- 【8.27】Flavour Physics - the gateway to New Physics? 2018-08-23
- 【8.24】基于变形核QRPA方法的双贝塔衰变矩阵元的计算 2018-08-20
- 【8.9】高能所科技创新论坛(292)X-ray Imaging through Machine Learning 2018-07-26
- 【8.6】A review of searches for Dark Matter signals with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 2018-08-20
- 【7.18】高能所科技创新论坛(291)ATLAS实验发现希格斯粒子最主要衰变过程 2018-07-17
- 【7.5】高能所科技创新论坛(290)Seminar on Gamma-Gamma Colliders 2018-07-03
- 【7.3】BSM physics in neutrino scattering 2018-07-03
- 【6.26】Status of eV-scale Sterile Neutrinos circa 2018 2018-07-03
- 【6.19】CERN网络安全工作介绍 2018-07-03
- 【6.11】Mass shift of charmonium states in`p A collision 2018-06-08
- 【6.7】Chiral Magnetic Effect, Anomalous-Viscous Fluid Dynamics and the Isobaric Collisions at RHIC 2018-06-08