- 【6.6】高能所科技创新论坛(289)Measurements of the Higgs Boson decay to a bottom quak-antiquak pair with the ATLAS experiment 2018-06-08
- 【6.6】The Whole Enchilada 2018-06-08
- 【6.6】QGP in small systems 2018-06-08
- 【6.5】Gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio inspirals 2018-06-08
- 【6.4】 Zero-Range Effective Field Theory for Resonant Dark Matter 2018-06-08
- 【5.25】高能所科技创新论坛(288)Toward Smart Medical CT Imaging: Integrating Novel Hardware with Intelligent Software 2018-05-23
- 【5.25】Majorana neutrino as Bogoliubov quasiparticle 2018-05-23
- 【5.22】加速器束流信号的研究 2018-05-21
- 【5.14】Lepton Observables in the frame of Partial Compositeness 2018-05-08
- 【5.3】高能所科技创新论坛(287)Playing with Topological Insulators: Superconductivity and Strain Effects 2018-05-08
- 【4.24】Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis and Weak Gravity Conjecture 2018-04-23
- 【4.23】 Chiral kinetic theory from quantum field theory 2018-04-23
- 【4.23】“我”的人生:读书·远行·奋斗 2018-04-18
- 【4.19】DM physics in the NMSSM with the inverse seesaw mechanism and its implication at the LHC 2018-04-08
- 【4.17】Scalar dark matter explanation of the DAMPE data in the minimal Left-Right symmetric model 2018-04-08
- 【4.3】高能所科技创新论坛(286)Novel Detector Module for Nuclear Medicine Imaging 2018-03-21
- 【3.22】Recent indications of lepton universality violations: A possible shaking of High Energy Physics in the making 2018-03-14
- 【3.20】CEPH introduction and future & CERNCloud and CEPH application at CERN 2018-03-19
- 【3.14】Data intensive science in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2018-03-14