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文章来源:工程办  2009-05-15
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  5月13日凌晨,BEPCII在1.89 GeV能量下的对撞亮度达到3.01×1032cm-2s-1,超过了其验收指标,标志着储存环改造圆满完成任务。消息传出,世界各大实验室的加速器专家在第一时间发来电子邮件表示祝贺。

  欧洲核子中心(CERN)的副所长Steve Myers在邮件中表达了"来自CERN的对于这一非凡的成果的祝贺"。(原文见附件1)

  意大利核物理研究所INFN实验室的Biscari Caterina博士一直在 粒子工厂DA NE上工作。经过十多年的努力,DA NE的对撞亮度逐步提高,最近他们采用独特的横腰(crab waist)技术,把亮度提高到4.5×1032cm-2s-1。她在邮件中写道:"祝贺BEPCII团队取得的这一优异成绩,特别是在如此短暂的时间内实现了亮度的明显改进"。(原文见附件2)

  CERN的Paul Collier博士是大型正负电子对撞机LEP和大型强子对撞机LHC的调束运行负责人。他高度评价BEPCII建设与调束:"BEPCII对撞机显然得益于一丝不苟和精益求精的设计和建设。祝贺你们迄今取得的成功,在如此短的时间里达到第一步的亮度目标。我期待听到BEPCII达到设计指标的持续进展。" (原文见附件3)



  各大实验室加速器专家的祝贺,既是鼓励,更是促进。任重而道远,我们要再接再厉,发奋努力,严谨踏实,全力以赴,继续提高机器性能,保质保量地做好BEPCII的验收工作 ,并实现稳定高效运行,在做出高水平的物理工作的同时,在加速器物理和技术方面做出国际前沿的创新性成果。

  附件1:Steve Myers邮件原文

  Dear Chuang,

  Congratulations from CERN on this marvellous result. Warm Regards Steve

  附件2:Biscari Caterina邮件原文

  Congratulations to all BEPCII team for these excellent results, and for this improvement of luminosity in such a short time. Caterina

  附件3:Paul Collier邮件原文

  Dear Chuang,

  This is indeed excellent news. The BEPCII collider is clearly benefiting from the meticulous care and attention to detail that went into its design and construction. I would like to congratulate you for the excellent progress to date and reaching your initial commissioning goal so quickly. I look forward to hearing of the continued progress of BEPCII towards its design parameters. Once again, if we can be of any help please let us know. Regards Paul


  Dear Chuang;

  I enjoyed your talk on BEPC-II at PAC'09 in Vancouver. Congratulation for the successful commissioning of BEPC-II to reach design goal ahead of schedule by working point optimization. This is a reflection of the competence and dedication of IHEP staff. Now you can focus on the physics experiments and further machine improvements. My best regards, Wu-Tsung


  Dear Chuang,

  This is a wonderful news! BEPC-II has completed its commissioning goal of 3 1032 luminosity. Congratulations!! With both SSRF and BEPC-II succeeding so convincingly, you have demonstrated the world class status of the modern Chinese accelerators. We warmly look forward to seeing even further pioneering advances from you. Very best wishes, Alex



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